Mt. Pocono seeks Organist/Choirmaster

Trinity Episcopal Church, Mt. Pocono, Pennsylvania is seeking an Organist/Choirmaster to provide music at all weekly and special services including, Christmas Eve/Day, Ash Wednesday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Easter, and any other service agreed upon by the Priest, Vestry, and Organist. Right of first refusal for funerals and weddings.

Regular weekly service is Sunday morning 10:00 a.m. A volunteer adult/youth choir would rehearse once a week, as set by Organist/Choirmaster and Choir Members. The Candidate must be able to work well with staff and a choir. Knowledge of Episcopal Liturgy as well as familiarity of all common traditional hymn styles and other styles of music would be beneficial. The salary will be based on experience and the church budget. There is an Allen Electronic Organ and a Steinway Grand Piano in the church.

If interested, please send a cover letter and resume to:

Trinity Episcopal Church, 137 Trinity Hill Road, Mt. Pocono, PA 18344 or [email protected]


Job Description

Job Title: Organist/Choirmaster

Reports To: Rector (Priest-in-Charge)

General Duties: Play the organ, piano, direct the choir, participate in liturgical planning.

Specific Duties:

1.)       Liturgical planning:

                        a.)       In consultation with the Rector (Priest-in-Charge), select the music                    

                                   for the services at which the Organist/Choirmaster or supply        

                                    musician plays.

                        b.)       Attend and participate in a maximum of four meetings per year of                                       the Worship Committee.

2.)       Play the organ and direct the choir during the main Sunday service, with the

           following exceptions:

                        a.)       The Organist's four weeks of paid vacation per year.

  1. ) Occasions when a visiting organist and choir provide the music.

                        c.)        Any other occasion mutually agreed upon with the Rector


3.)       Play the organ on the following Holy Days:

                        a.)       Christmas Eve - one service

                        b.)       Christmas Day - one service

                        c.)        Ash Wednesday - one service

                        e.)       Maundy Thursday - one service

                        f.)         Good Friday - one service

                        g.)       Other days as mutually agreed upon with the Rector

                                    (Priest-in-Charge) and Vestry

4.)       Conduct weekly choir rehearsals:

            a.)       Day and time agreed upon with choir.

            b.)       Sunday mornings prior to worship

            c.)        Rehearsals may be cancelled for reasons such as illness, weather, lack of                    sufficient choir members present, or visiting Organist and Choir.

            d.)       The choir is expected to be in place to participate in leading worship on all                                  Sundays.

5.)       Play for weddings and funerals

            a.)       Trinity's Organist/Choirmaster has "first refusal" for such services.

            b.)       Compensation will be based on the parish fee schedule.

6.)       Prepare a report for the Annual Meeting of the Parish.

7.)       Abide by the Employment and Personnel Policies of Trinity Church.

Skills and Experience:

1.)       Demonstration of musical ability to perform the duties of Organist/Choirmaster.

2.)       Education, training, and experience consistent with the job requirements.

All above information agreed to and accepted by:

Priest-in-Charge_____________________________________ Date_______________


Sr. Warden_________________________________________ Date_______________

Approved by Vestry Date________________________________________________

Arts on the Mountain, Feb. 19

Trinity Episcopal Church
139 Trinity Hill Rd.
Mt. Pocono, PA 18344
Contact: Peter Salmon 570-629-0644
Church office: 570-839-9376

On Sunday, February 19, 2012, Arts On the Mountain at Trinity Episcopal Church, Mt. Pocono, PA, will present a music and art event beginning with a reception for the artists at  3 PM. The Flute Choir of the Poconos  will perform a concert of varied works, beginning at 4 PM, and author Robert McMahon will offer selected readings from his new book “Wandering Thoughts”. Copies of the book, now in its second printing, will also be available for purchase, signed by the author. The Art Gallery in the Parish Hall will feature Photography by Frank Fiore. A suggested donation of $10. ($5. students) helps support programming by Arts On the Mountain.

Continue reading "Arts on the Mountain, Feb. 19" »

Diocesan Life for October 2011

You can download the 2.4 MB .pdf here: Download October2011_DiocesanLife_SMALL

Bishop appoints priest-in-charge at Trinity Mt. Pocono

[Note: The sequence for the appointment of a priest-in-charge is search, selection, and acceptance by the vestry including request that the bishop appoint the person as priest-in-charge, approval of the contract by the archdeacon, notification by the archdeacon to the bishop who appoints the priest-in-charge.]

[From senior warden Charles Buttz and the vestry]                                                                                      September 12, 2011

Dear Friends,

We are most pleased to announce that The Reverend Robert J. Criste-Troutman has been called to be Priest-in-Charge of Trinity Episcopal Church, Mt. Pocono.  Trinity's Search Committee recommended Fr. Bob for this appointment after evaluating some 12 candidates, so you may be certain he has some very special qualities!

For the past 10 years, Father Bob, as he prefers to be called, has been Rector of St. Peter's Episcopal Church in Washington, NJ.  During his tenure at St. Peter's, parish membership expanded and Church School attendance more than quadrupled.  Fr. Bob also receives high praise from his St. Peter's parishioners for his insightful sermons, his ability to communicate with young people, and his gentle pastoral manner.

Fr. Bob is aware that Trinity has some major challenges in its future, and is looking forward to joining forces with us to help us do God's work in Northeastern Pennsylvania.   He should arrive at Trinity in mid-October 2011, and a formal reception for him is in the planning stages.  I know you will join with the Vestry in warmly welcoming him to Trinity Church and to the Poconos! 

Most sincerely,

For the Vestry of Trinity Episcopal Church

Charles Buttz, Sr. Warden

September 11 Services of Remembrance in the diocese

September 11 Services of Remembrance from around the diocese in chronological order

St. Anne's, Trexlertown:  8:00 and 10:15 A.M. During both services on September 11 we will have special prayers and remembrances to commemorate the lives that were lost on this dreadful day and to seek God’s guidance and wisdom as we live with the ramifications and impact of this national tragedy on our country and on the world. Please come to church prepared to stop whatever you are doing when you hear the sound of the drum and the cymbal. It will be a sacred moment of silent prayer. When you arrive at church on September 11, the greeters will remind you about keeping silence at these significant moments of September 11.

Christ Church, Forest City: 9:00 A.M. service with special hymns, prayers, and will host "first responders" from the surrounding communities.

Church of the Good Shepherd and St. John, Milford: 10:00 A.M. "Eucharist in Remembrance of 9/11" Church bells will be rung 10 times each on the times of the four plane crashes - 8:46am, 9:03am, 9:38am, and 10:03am. After a silent processional the service with continue with special prayers, hymns, and anthem. The church will remain open from 12:00 P.M. to 3:00 P.M. as a sanctuary for those who wish to observe a reverent silence, hosted by the Daughters of the King.

Trinity Church, Carbondale: 11:00 A.M. service with special hymns, prayers of the people and remembrances for the victims and their families.

Providence Place Retirement Home, Drums: 1:00 P.M. Members of a Gospel Quartet will lead the hymns, members of the staff and resident will assist with the readings. Lead by Deacon Marion Meiss of St. Peter's, Hazleton

Trinity Church, Easton: 1:30 P.M. organ voluntary followed by the service at 2:00 P.M. An Interfaith Service of Remembrance and Hope  to be webcast live on Sunday, September 11. The service will be streamed live at A Service of Remembrance and Hope will include interfaith prayers and hymns. In addition, music will be provided by: a double quartet of members of the Metropolitan Opera Chorus of New York City, a local Chamber Orchestra and the Easton Area High School Choir. Scheduled selections will include: Faure's "Requiem in d minor, Op 48" (Intoit and Kyrie; Sanctus; Pie Iesu; Agnus Dei and Lux Aeterna; In Paradisum.), Bach's "Cantata 106: Gottes Zeit ist dis Allerbeste Zeit" movement III a & b. Participating congregations include: B'nai Abraham Synagogue, Easton; College Hill Presbyterian Church; 1st Presbyterian Church of Easton; 1st United Church of Christ of Easton; St. John's Lutheran Church of Easton; Temple Covenant of Peace, in Easton; The Muslim Community of Easton/Phillpsburg and Trinity Episcopal Church.  Go to and click on the link to the webcast.. Read more about it, including compatibilities with your computer, smartphone or tablet here. You may also go to Trinity's UShare page, For information, call Trinity Church at 610-253-0792

Grace Church, Honesdale: 2:00 P.M. Service of Remembrance for 9/11 Meditation, inter-faith prayers, music and sharing will all be a part of the service as we remember all who were affected by the tragedies, especially within our community.  A time to remember those who were killed in New York City, southwestern Pennsylvania and Washington DC will be an important part of the service.  Grief counselors will be on hand should anyone need to talk privately.  “It is our hope to move forward bringing God’s peace into our community,” commented Ms. Frances Hlavacek of Grace Church who has been a member of the Episcopal Diocese of Bethlehem’s Peace Commission. The service will be held in the handicap-accessible Parish Hall of Grace Church, located on the corner of Church and Ninth Streets in downtown Honesdale.  For more information, you may call the parish office at (570) 253-2760.  All are welcome to attend.

Trinity, Mt. Pocono: 2:00 P.M. Interfaith Service of Remembrance and Prayer. Representatives and members of our global community, Christian, Jewish, Muslim and Sikh, will gather together to speak about our lives as one in community and to pray together as one for a world of peace and community which can only be gained through the gift of open dialogue as sisters and brothers who seek to move forward beyond the smoke and ashes and offer healing in order to embrace a renewed life together. Please contact the Parish Office at 570 839 9376 for information or go to for directions.

Cathedral Church of the Nativity, Bethlehem: 5:00 P.M.  9/11 Interfaith Service of Remembrance and Reconciliation, Nativity, Bethlehem 5:00 P.M. Clergy participating are: The Rt. Rev. Paul V. Marshall, Bishop of The Episcopal Diocese of Bethlehem; The Very Rev. Anthony R. Pompa, Cathedral Dean & Rector; Rabbi Allen Juda,  Congregation Brith Sholom; Metin Bor, Muezzin, Lehigh Dialogue Center; Mohamed Rajmohamed, Al-Ahad Islamic Center; The Rt. Rev. Hopeton Clennon, Bishop of the Moravian Church, Northern Province and Chaplain, Moravian College; The Rev. Canon Mariclair Partee, Cathedral Canon, Ministry of the Baptized; Cantor Ellen Sussman, Temple Shirat Shalom; and The Rev. Canon George Loeffler, Deacon and Bishop's Chaplain. Music provided by the Cathedral Choir under the direction of Canon Russell Jackson will present selections from Faure’s Requiem, with Naoko Cauller as soloist. A reception will follow in Sayre Hall, and all are welcome.

St. Paul's, Montrose: 5:00 P.M. Vesper Service to Remember 9/11will be held at the Second Sunday Vesper Service on Sunday, September 11, 2011 at St. Paul's Episcopal Church, Church Street Montrose, PA  The solemn service will provide a time of deep spiritual reflection and include scripture readings, prayers, and music prepared especially for the anniversary.  The Rev. Canon Charles Cesaretti will welcome the congregation; the greeters are Linda and George Gardner.  The Lector will be Amy Johnson.  Sarah S. Bertsch will be the organist.  MaryAnn DeWitt will be at the piano.  A buffet supper will be served immediately following the service in the Parish House.  The cooks are Ed and Barbara Schmidt and John and Sharon Siedlecki.  Gail and Doug Overfield will be the servers. All are welcome on this special day to remember the victims and those who miss them, as well as the rescue workers and all responders.

Church of the Epiphany, Clarks Summit: 7:00 P.M. Service of Remembrance with two church joint choir, psalms and prayers

Thomas Gallaudet and Henry Winter Syle

Diocese of Bethlehem Connection ... On Saturday, the Episcopal Church commemorates Thomas Gallaudet and Henry Winter Syle. "Ministry to the deaf in the Episcopal Church begins with Thomas Gallaudet," according to Holy Women Holy Men. "Without his genius and zeal for the spiritual well-being of deaf persons, it is improbable that a history of ministry to the deaf in the Episcopal Church could be written. He has been called “The Apostle to the Deaf.” He died in 1902. ... One fruit of Gallaudet’s ministry was Henry Winter Syle, who had lost his hearing as the result of scarlet fever. Educated at Trinity; St. John’s, Cambridge; and Yale (B.A. and M.A.); Syle was a brilliant student, who persisted in his determination to obtain an education, despite his handicap and fragile health. He was encouraged by Gallaudet to seek Holy Orders, and, having moved to Philadelphia, was supported by Bishop Stevens, against the opposition of many who believed that the impairment of one of the senses was an impediment to ordination. Syle was ordained in 1876, the first deaf person to receive Holy Orders in this Church. In 1888, he built the first Episcopal church constructed especially for deaf persons. He died in 1890.    Henry Winter Syle is the great-grandfather of Herbert D. (Hap) Syle, III. Hap and his wife, Mary Jane Syle, have served the diocese and their home parish (St. Paul's Church, Montrose) in many ways over the years. The Gallaudet connection is through Mt. Pocono where the late Dorothy Jordan and Betty Speicher were parishioners at Trinity Church. I. King Jordan, Ph.D., Dorothy's son and Betty's brother, became the first deaf president of Gallaudet University in 1988.