St. Paul's, Montrose holds birthday party at parish picnic for South Sudan

At the July 10th parish picnic at St. Paul’s, Montrose, Father Paul Walker, and host/senior warden, Lynn Graham, prepare to cut the cake celebrating the Republic of South Sudan’s birth day.  The South Sudan national anthem was played to a thoughtful group. - Al Leigh


South Sudan

Forwarded from Charlie Barebo

From: [email protected] on behalf of John Ashworth
Sent: Mon 7/11/2011 5:33 AM
To: Group
Subject: [sudan-john-ashworth] Fwd: Independence Day 4

1. The birth of South Sudan brings with it hope and freedom

The Mercury (South Africa) July 11, 2011
By Fr Chris Townsend

We have never been a country before

On the eve of independence in South Sudan, I was sitting under trees
with a small community of neighbours in an area called 'High
Jerusalem' The afternoon leading to the evening had an atmosphere I
can only describe as high point south african - the sort of feeling we
had during our own transition in 1994 and the feeling of the World Cup
2010. I had even heard vuvuzelas. Flags everywhere.

Sitting near the Nile, in the insect dark, we were celebrating a meal.
The South Sudanese had decided on this night of liberation that there
would be a type of passover seder.Stories of pain, oppression and
slavery were followed by stories of hope. Bread was shared, songs and
the new national anthem was sung, candles were lit and there was
dancing - the quiet, eager dignity of a people set free.

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