Lenten Prayer Booklet from Mediator Allentown

Allentown's Church of the Mediator is doing a small group study on the Baptismal Covenant during Lent, Water in the Wilderness. Canon Maria Tjeltveit, rector, put together a prayer journal for the first half focusing on one of the baptismal covenant vows each week. She intends to do the second half soon.

It is in booklet form (to be printed front and back) attached below as Water in the Wilderness, and one that runs consecutively (in case anyone want to keep it on their computer), attached below as Prayers.  Both are word files.
Maria says she has not done a prayer journal like this before so, if anyone uses it and wants to pass on feedback, she would appreciate it. Her email is [email protected]


Download Prayers.Part 1


Bonaventure Reading Group meets Forsyte Saga

[From Laura Howell, Trinity Bethlehem] "Bonaventure" means "good venture," an apt name for the journey of discoverythat makes this informal book discussion series so rewarding. Two or three times a year a group gets together on Wednesdays at 6:00, at Trinity Bethlehem, to explore, over the course of several months, a work of literature from the past.

During the next few months we'll be talking about John Galsworthy's classic trilogy, The Forsyte Saga. It is a good read on a grand scale, the archetype of the family saga. Its underlying theme, the confrontation between personal moral integrity and the public high-Victorian code, finds expression in an ever-varying plot. And, this book is full of Forsytes –– even the dull ones are interesting.

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