When I receive a note from Neva
July 07, 2011
When I receive a note from [email protected] early in the morning, I read it immediately. Often enough, Episcopal Church public affairs officer Neva Rae Fox finds a news story related to a congregation or agency of the Diocese of Bethlehem before I do. She electronically searches newspapers for Episcopal-related news and, early every morning, offers headlines and links to diocesan communicators and others via her daily distribution list. I find what she does here to be among the most practical assistance the communication folk at 815 offer to communication colleagues across the country. That kind of work in the background often goes unnoticed. Thank you, Neva.
Some local flavor: Neva was born and raised in Bethlehem, a graduate of Liberty High School. Her parents still live in the Lehigh Valley. Prior to becoming public affairs officer for the Episcopal Church, Neva was director of communication for the Diocese of New York. Before that, she worked for the Diocese of New Jersey where she lives and is active in her parish.
Bill Lewellis
Here is Neva's "Daily Scan" for July 5: (In Neva's note, the items come with hotlinks.)
From: <[email protected]>
Date: July 5, 2011 8:35:23 AM EDT
To: undisclosed-recipients:;
Subject: Daily Scan Tues 7-5-11
Good Morning!
Today: Fourth of July activities (2); Dio Bethlehem ministries; Dio Newark cathedral; Father Alberto; Bp Franklin letter; col from UK
Family Makes 4th of July a Day of Service
WIBW (CBS) - Topeka, KS
Cathedral on Fourth
_ _ _ _ _
New Bethany Ministries celebrates 25 years of serving the poor in Bethlehem
The Express Times - LehighValleyLive.com
NJN - Newark, NJ
'Father Albert' not typical talk show
Arizona Republic
Buffalo News
Letters to the Editor: Let’s treat everyone with dignity, respect
The Guardian, UK
Anglicans should throw out dry tradition
Be sure to check
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Neva Rae Fox
Public Affairs Officer
The Episcopal Church
815 Second Ave., NYC, NY 10017
212-716-6080 Mobile: 917-478-5659
[email protected]