Mt. Pocono seeks Organist/Choirmaster

Trinity Episcopal Church, Mt. Pocono, Pennsylvania is seeking an Organist/Choirmaster to provide music at all weekly and special services including, Christmas Eve/Day, Ash Wednesday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Easter, and any other service agreed upon by the Priest, Vestry, and Organist. Right of first refusal for funerals and weddings.

Regular weekly service is Sunday morning 10:00 a.m. A volunteer adult/youth choir would rehearse once a week, as set by Organist/Choirmaster and Choir Members. The Candidate must be able to work well with staff and a choir. Knowledge of Episcopal Liturgy as well as familiarity of all common traditional hymn styles and other styles of music would be beneficial. The salary will be based on experience and the church budget. There is an Allen Electronic Organ and a Steinway Grand Piano in the church.

If interested, please send a cover letter and resume to:

Trinity Episcopal Church, 137 Trinity Hill Road, Mt. Pocono, PA 18344 or [email protected]


Job Description

Job Title: Organist/Choirmaster

Reports To: Rector (Priest-in-Charge)

General Duties: Play the organ, piano, direct the choir, participate in liturgical planning.

Specific Duties:

1.)       Liturgical planning:

                        a.)       In consultation with the Rector (Priest-in-Charge), select the music                    

                                   for the services at which the Organist/Choirmaster or supply        

                                    musician plays.

                        b.)       Attend and participate in a maximum of four meetings per year of                                       the Worship Committee.

2.)       Play the organ and direct the choir during the main Sunday service, with the

           following exceptions:

                        a.)       The Organist's four weeks of paid vacation per year.

  1. ) Occasions when a visiting organist and choir provide the music.

                        c.)        Any other occasion mutually agreed upon with the Rector


3.)       Play the organ on the following Holy Days:

                        a.)       Christmas Eve - one service

                        b.)       Christmas Day - one service

                        c.)        Ash Wednesday - one service

                        e.)       Maundy Thursday - one service

                        f.)         Good Friday - one service

                        g.)       Other days as mutually agreed upon with the Rector

                                    (Priest-in-Charge) and Vestry

4.)       Conduct weekly choir rehearsals:

            a.)       Day and time agreed upon with choir.

            b.)       Sunday mornings prior to worship

            c.)        Rehearsals may be cancelled for reasons such as illness, weather, lack of                    sufficient choir members present, or visiting Organist and Choir.

            d.)       The choir is expected to be in place to participate in leading worship on all                                  Sundays.

5.)       Play for weddings and funerals

            a.)       Trinity's Organist/Choirmaster has "first refusal" for such services.

            b.)       Compensation will be based on the parish fee schedule.

6.)       Prepare a report for the Annual Meeting of the Parish.

7.)       Abide by the Employment and Personnel Policies of Trinity Church.

Skills and Experience:

1.)       Demonstration of musical ability to perform the duties of Organist/Choirmaster.

2.)       Education, training, and experience consistent with the job requirements.

All above information agreed to and accepted by:

Priest-in-Charge_____________________________________ Date_______________


Sr. Warden_________________________________________ Date_______________

Approved by Vestry Date________________________________________________

Triduum –– In the dying is the rising

By Patrick Malloy

[Doctor Malloy wrote what appears below in 2009 when he was rector of Grace Allentown and professor at General Theological Seminary NYC. He is the author of Celebrating the Eucharist and currently interim dean at St. John's Cathedral, Denver CO.]

[March 2009: A year ago, Bill Lewellis asked me to write something about the Triduum: the three days that celebrate the passing of Jesus from life to death to glory, and our share in the pattern of his life, often called “the Paschal Mystery.”  It was only one year ago, but the world was different then, so the three-day feast was different, too, than the one we celebrate this year. This year Bill asked to re-publish the piece I wrote.  What follows is essentially that.  But last year’s words without commentary would not be enough.] 

The Triduum we will celebrate in 2009 –– the three-day feast often called “the Paschal Mystery” that celebrates the passing of Jesus from life to death to glory and our share in the pattern of his life –– will not be like the Triduum we celebrated in 2008.

It was only one year ago, but the world was different then, so the three-day feast was different, too, than the one we celebrate this year.

It will not be the same, because we are not the same. The story most people tell about their lives and their world this year is not what we told just one year ago. Yet, the wonder of how God-in-Christ passed from eternity into time, and from life into death, and from death into glory, has not changed. We have changed, our world has changed, but God remains.

The Triduum celebrates a dynamic that God revealed in Jesus. It is, at once, the dynamic of divine life and the dynamic of human life. Jesus, in his divinity, reveals that God forsakes everything for us mortals; and, when all is finished, God remains glorious. The human Jesus reveals that when mortals like us forsake everything for the sake of God, we share in God’s glory. The mystery is the same, whether we consider Jesus as the divine mortal or as the human God.

All of this goes entirely against the grain and defies logic. Death and life are opposites; they cannot be intertwined. Yet, the story of Jesus is that they are. Anyone who would be Jesus’ disciple must claim it as true, even if it seems impossible.

This year more than last, our world is facing the death of so much. What can we, as disciples of the crucified yet risen Lord, say in the face of such loss? How can we declare to the world that, as the Lord has shown us, death can be a passage into glorious life?

We Christians must speak courage in the face of fear, hope in the face of despair. The story we tell across the Three Day is as true today as it was when first it unfolded in Jesus’ life. What looks like death can be life. Jesus is the proof.


Here are bits and pieces of what I wrote last year (2008) about the Triduum for Diocesan Life.

Addicts speak of “hitting bottom” as if it were the greatest gift they had ever received.  Recognizing their own powerlessness, they simultaneously admit their need for a savior. They call it their “Higher Power.”

What allows addicts to rejoice in the day they hit bottom is that only there did they finally find God. In the midst of the suffering is the salvation. In the midst of the loss is the gain.

In the sixth century, Venantius Fortunatus wrote a poem in honor of a supposed relic of the true cross. It has come into the Hymnal 1982 as The Royal Banners Forward Go. What Fortunatus captures so beautifully and so clearly is that, in the passing of Jesus from life through death into glory, grace was never absent. Never had God deserted the Son; rather, even in what seemed like tragedy, God’s saving hand was already at work. So the cross, rather than being ugly and shameful, an unfortunate part of the story better left behind, is instead a thing of beauty and honor. Already on the cross, Jesus’ glory had begun.

O tree of beauty, tree most fair,
Ordained those holy limbs to bear
Gone is thy shame, each crimsoned bough
Proclaims the king of glory now.

Some people think it odd, if not a bit macabre, that we Christians dangle crosses around our necks and hang them on our walls and mount them above our altars. They liken it to using miniature electric chairs as jewelry or art. What Christians see in the cross, however, is not the destruction of a life but its fulfillment; not defeat but triumph.

Fulfilled is all that David told
In true prophetic song of old:
How God the nations’ king should be,
For God is reigning from the tree.

The cross is not an electric chair. It is a throne.

As he gave himself to his disciples as fragile Bread and Wine; as he made himself their servant, stooping even to the task of washing their feet; as he knowingly and willingly allowed his betrayer to be free even if it meant his own death; as he stood clear and proud and strong before Pilate, Jesus was living the glorified life. Jesus is the glory of God made flesh; at no time in his earthly life was it so clear as during those last days.

Every year, the church celebrates those days in a feast called “The Paschal Triduum.” It stretches from sundown on Maundy Thursday (which, according to the way the liturgical day is calculated, is actually the beginning of Good Friday) to sundown on Easter Sunday. The three 24-hour days are, in fact, one liturgical day. They celebrate, not three distinct events, but one complex dynamic. They celebrate that the self-offering of God in Christ reveals God’s glory. The resurrection is but one facet of how the Divine Majesty is revealed.

What these liturgies (or, rather, this protracted liturgy) celebrate is a current reality, not something long past. That is because what we celebrate in those days is not just what happened to Jesus long ago or even who Jesus once was. It is what happens still, and who he is still. Always and forever, it is of God’s very nature to give the Divine Self for the sake of what God has made.

To do these liturgies so that they are experienced as one continuous event requires skill and effort. To celebrate them with a vigor and ritual fullness that can reveal the Mystery they contain demands deep understanding, focus, time, and a great deal of work. It is worth it. It is worth it because, to understand what this three-day-long day celebrates is to understand and to actually experience the God revealed in Christ.

The 2009 Triduum will not be like the 2008 Triduum.  The world has changed. We have changed. In the face of so much fear and the death of so much certainty, how can we celebrate that God’s life cannot be conquered no matter what else dies? How can we enact the wonderful and ancient rites of the Prayer Book so that we emerge from them knowing in our very bones that in the midst of the dying is the rising? How can we be strengthened to gracefully let go of what will be snatched from our hands, whether we are willing to let it go or not? Think of the economy. So much is slipping through our fingers. This is a hard, concrete fact. It is not a theological concept, and people cannot escape just how real it is. Can we proclaim the Divine pattern to them: from life to death to glory?

“Even at the grave,” the burial rite says, “we make our song: Alleluia.”  The Triduum 2009 brings us face-to-face with an essential question. Do we really sing Alleluia in the face of death, and mean it? Do we dare sing it at the edge of the grave and the foot of the cross? Are we certain –– with the fragile certainty of faith –– that in the dying is the rising and in the cross is the crown, and are we willing to stake our lives on it? 

Only if we are that daring is the Triduum worth celebrating. With such daring, we can live in the midst of death, confident that it conceals, thinly at best, new and glorious life, and that, by Baptism, the life is already ours.


The Paschal Triduum: one three-day-long event celebrating one saving dynamic ... even in the midst of death there is life. [An excerpt from Celebrating the Eucharist by Patrick Malloy, pp. 72-73, Church Publishing, 2007] Find it here.


Wilkes-Barre organ recitals and Lenten ecumenical services

Dear friends throughout the Diocese of Bethlehem and beyond:

Since the 1920s, St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church has been host to an annual ecumenical Lenten series of services and organ recitals for downtown Wilkes-Barre and its surrounding communities.  The tradition will continue this year on Ash Wednesday, March 5th, with an organ recital at 11:30 am, followed by an ecumenical Lenten Service at 12:00 pm.

The theme of this year’s ecumenical services is “Finding Your Way Home.”  As in past years, the 2014 Lenten series will involve clergy, musicians, and laity from congregations throughout Wilkes-Barre and the Wyoming Valley.  A soup-and-sandwich lunch will be served each week following the Lenten Service, with a suggested donation of $4.00 per person.  Members of the participating congregations will be the hosts for these lunches.  Offerings received at this year’s services and lunches will support the Wilkes-Barre Free Medical Clinic.

This year’s organ recitalists include gifted performers from throughout the United States, from as far away as Houston, Texas, Rochester, New York, and Washington, DC.  The Ash Wednesday Organ Recital at 11:30 am will be presented by Michael Smith, Chair of Performing Arts at The Shipley School and Organist and Choirmaster at The Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd, both in Bryn Mawr (Philadelphia), Pennsylvania.  Before assuming these posts, he served as Director of Music at The Groton School in Groton, Massachusetts, where he was awarded the Pratt Chair of Music.  Michael earned his undergraduate degree in organ performance at Samford University in Birmingham, Alabama.  While in Birmingham, Michael was assistant conductor of both the Samford A Cappella Choir and the Birmingham Boys Choir, and was choirmaster at St. Andrew's Episcopal Church.  He went on to earn graduate degrees in organ and conducting at Yale University, where he served as graduate assistant conductor to the famed Yale Glee Club.  He has accompanied and conducted choirs on tours throughout Europe, Africa, Russia, and South America.  Mr. Smith’s St. Stephen’s recital will feature works by J. S. Bach, Eugene Bozza, and William Boyce.

The Service at 12 noon will be led by The Reverend Daniel FitzSimmons, Rector of the Episcopal Church of St. Martin in the Fields, Mountaintop.  The preacher will be The Reverend William J. Marshall, Jr., Interim Priest Associate of St. Stephen’s Episcopal Pro-Cathedral, Wilkes-Barre.  Special music will be presented by The Wilkes University Chorus, directed by Dr. Steven Thomas.  Organist and music director for these services will be St. Stephen’s Organist and Choirmaster, Canon Mark Laubach.  Hosts for the lunch that follows the March 5th service will be the Women of St. Stephen’s Episcopal Pro-Cathedral.

A schedule of participants in the remaining Lenten recitals and services follows …

March 12 – Organ recital by Stephen Distad, Memorial Drive United Methodist Church, Houston, TX; The Rev’d Peter Kuritz, Good Shepherd Lutheran Church and St. John’s Lutheran Church of Wilkes-Barre (Liturgist); The Rev’d Shawn Walker, The First Baptist Church of Wilkes-Barre (Preacher); special music by Thomas Heinze, oboe; Lunch provided by Good Shepherd Evangelical Lutheran Church.

March 19 – Organ recital by John Richardson, The First Presbyterian Church of Allentown, PA; Ms. Caitlin Czeh, Wilkes University Campus Ministry (Liturgist); The Rev’d Msgr. Vincent Grimalia, St. Luke’s Villa, Wilkes-Barre (Preacher); special music by Earl Orcutt, horn; Lunch provided by St. Nicholas Roman Catholic Church.

March 26 – Organ recital (starting ten minutes early at 11:20 am) by Robert Poovey, St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, Rochester, NY; The Rev’d Diane Sickler, Unity of NEPA (Liturgist); Rabbi Larry Kaplan, Temple Israel of Wilkes-Barre (Preacher); special music by The Wyoming Seminary Madrigal Singers, directed by John Vaida; Lunch provided by Unity of NEPA.

April 2 – Organ recital by John Bohl, St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, K Street, Washington, DC; The Rev’d William J. Marshall, Jr., St. Stephen’s Episcopal Pro-Cathedral, Wilkes-Barre (Liturgist); The Rev’d Diane Sickler, Unity of NEPA (Preacher); special music by John Michael Vaida, violin; Lunch provided by St. John’s Lutheran Church, Wilkes-Barre.

April 9 – Organ recital by Thomas Sheehan, St. Mark’s Episcopal Church, Locust Street, Philadelphia, PA; The Rev’d Dr. Robert Zanicky, The First Presbyterian Church of Wilkes-Barre (Preacher); special music by Carol A. Tome, mezzo-soprano; Lunch provided by The First Presbyterian Church of Wilkes-Barre.

April 16 – Organ recital by Carl Ruck, Church of Christ Uniting, Kingston, PA; Ms. Caitlin Czeh, Wilkes University Campus Ministry (Preacher); special music by The Marywood University Chamber Singers, directed by Dr. Rick Hoffenberg.

I hope many of you can join us for at least one or more of these recitals and services!

Wishing you and yours a blessed and holy Lenten season ...

Mark Laubach
Canon Mark Laubach, Organist & Choirmaster
St. Stephen's Episcopal Church
Pro-Cathedral of the Diocese of Bethlehem
35 South Franklin Street
Wilkes-Barre PA 18701
Church Phone: (570)825-6653
Church Fax: (570)825-0430
Mark's Mobile Phone: (570)704-7055

Jubilate for Lent to Trinity Sunday(February 22nd, Ash Wednesday to June 3rd, Trinity Sunday)

Hymnody for Lent to Trinity Sunday (February 22 to June 3, 2012), published by the Diocese of Bethlehem for our diocesan community and for free distribution to the world, may be downloaded below as an Acrobat or MSWord file. Jubilate is a service of our Liturgy and Music Commission, specifically Canon Cliff Carr who has been doing this for more than 30 years.

Want this sent to you automatically? Then sign up for the Jubilate eNews letter under the "Get Connected" box on the right hand side of our web site:

Download the Word file here: Download LENT-B

Download the .PDF file here: Download LENT-B

Resources for the tenth anniversary of September 11, 2001

Worship Resources for the 10th Anniversary of 9/11
compiled by the staff of the Diocese of Bethlehem

The Presiding Bishop calls for reflection

A compilation of prayers, links and resources from Christian Formation Specialist Sharon Pearson

Textweek offers clip art, multimedia, preaching and worship resources

Congregational Resource Guide has sermon ideas

Resources from Forward Movement

9/11 Beyond Hate-Resources Odyssey Networks gathers & provides videos, articles and educational materials to help promote dialog within and among faith communities leading up to the 10th anniversary of 9/11. Also on Facebook

Actions for Interfaith Solidarity Toolkit from URI (united Religions Initiative)

Download Tenth Anniversary Prayers for 9-11 provided by Canon Cliff Carr
Download PrayerCard911 that can be printed on card stock for members of your parish.

Leadership Program for Musicians.Cancelled

[From Hillary Raining]

[Updated Sept. 7, from Canon Mark Laubach, St. Stephen's, Wilkes-Barre] I would like to take this opportunity to thank all those who worked to prepare LPM (the Leadership Program for Musicians Serving Small Congregations Leading to the Presiding Bishop's Diploma in Church Music ... say that three times quickly!) for the Diocese of Bethlehem, most especially Mother Hillary Raining, whose incredible enthusiasm, organization, and devotion to this project was (and still is) an inspiration to me.  Considering all the hard work Hillary and others put into this effort, I am deeply disappointed by the lack of response.  Thanks also, of course, to Bishop Paul for his vision, commitment, and leadership in bringing us together to try and make LPM a reality in the Diocese of Bethlehem and for the benefit of other denominational institutions in this region of Pennsylvania.  This was a golden opportunity missed, IMHO.

How often I am asked by parish leaders to advise them about how to find a competent musician or assist an incumbent musician in need of training or continuing education!  These are the situations that are tailor-made for LPM!  Considering the need for training of church musicians, it would seem, here in our diocese, that the harvest is surely plentiful.  But we also have an abundance of gifted laborers to tend to that harvest.  It's hard to put a dollar value on the chance to study with the likes of Bishop Paul Marshall, Father Ed Erb, Mother Hillary Raining, the Rev'd Canon Cliff Carr, Canon Russell Jackson, and Stephen Williams (the gifted musician at St. John's Lutheran in Allentown) ... and oh, yeah ... I suppose that would include that guy in Wilkes-Barre, what's his name? 

I do hope that we can make LPM happen at some point in the life of this vibrant Diocese.  I have thought often how a strong LPM program here could do wonders for the parishes of our diocese.  We in the Episcopal Church have so much to offer church seekers in the rich heritage of our liturgy and music.  These are vital tools for evangelism at a time when churches are desperate and competitive for new members.  And contrary to what many may think, many of the seekers out there are looking for things of substance and quality.  Verse 9 of Psalm 96 reads, "Worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness."  We also need to acknowledge how important it is to worship the Lord in "the holiness of beauty".  LPM affirms and celebrates that beauty and how important it is for us in our corporate worship.  My hope and prayer is that we WILL give this another try in a year or so, and that the response will be better.  Please talk it up in your parishes, among your clergy and lay leaders, and with your parish musician(s)!

Updated, Sept. 6: Cancelled due to lack of participation.

Update, Sept. 5: Registration ends tomorrow [Tuesday, Sept. 6]. If we do not have enough people registered we will have to cancel this program.

The Diocese is launching its new series: The Leadership Program for Musicians (LPM) this fall. I am attaching a .pdf of the brochure below. It contains all the information you will need to take part in this exciting new endeavor. However, I would also like to highlight the dates and the locations from that brochure here to help in your upcoming yearly programming. You will find that list below. Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions.  I can be reached at:  610-867-4741 ext. 303; email: [email protected]

All Classes will be held on Saturdays at 9:00am-3:00pm.

Morning Session:
Liturgy and Music
Leadership of Congregational Song: Organ Track

Afternoon Session:
Philosophy of Church Music
Resources for an Effective Music Program

Course Schedule
9/10/11-St. Stephen’s, Wilkes-Barre
9/24/11-Christ Church, Reading
10/1/11- St. Peter’s, Hazleton
10/15/11-St. Alban’s, Sinking Spring
10/29/11- The Cathedral Church of the Nativity, Bethlehem
11/5/11- Trinity, Bethlehem
11/19/11- St. John’s, Ashland
1/7/12- Christ Church, Towanda
1/28/12- TBA
2/4/12- St. Mark’s, Moscow
Final- 2/25/12- St. Stephen’s, Wilkes-Barre
Make-up- 3/10/12- St. Stephen’s, Wilkes-Barre

Here are just a few of the many benefits one can have by participating in this program:
-A renewed and increased sense of vocation and calling.
-Greater knowledge of the ever-growing resources and options for church music.
-Deepening appreciation for the liturgy and music’s major role in it.
-A dedicated and supportive peer group including ecumenical students and teachers.
-A top rate faculty who have taught at the University level.
-Classes which are designed to work around busy schedules and will highlight some of the most treasured instruments in the Diocese.
-A continuing education experience which is very reasonably priced and nationally recognized.
-A renewal opportunity for your parish.

Download 110817 LPM Brochure

Blue Grass Mass at St. James', Dundaff

[From Deacon Lou Divis]

On a still Saturday evening, people gathered at St. James, Dundaff, for a toe-tapping, hand-clapping, leg-slapping deacon’s Mass with blue grass style hymns.  The people sang “Shall We Gather at the River”, “Amazing Grace”, “In Canaan’s Land”, “I’ll Fly Away”.  The musicians, John and Dave, led the group with great fervor.  The congregation included folks from 5 parishes across 4 counties (Montrose, Susquehanna, Forest City, Clarks Summit, Tunkhannock, Carbondale, Dallas).

After the service, many people stayed to hear the musicians continue to play outside and all enjoyed coffee and cookies and talking together.

This service was possible with great thanks for funding from a Congregational Development Grant from the Episcopal Diocese of Bethlehem.

The Coal Town Rounders will lead the congregation at St. James', Dundaff in singing blue grass hymns on Saturday, August 6 at 6.30 pm. Other Blue grass services will be offered on September 3 at 6.30 pm.  The entire collection will be donated to the local Habitat for Humanity endeavors.

Regular Sunday morning services are at 10.00 am.  Call Rev. Divis 570-878-4670, or Bob S. 570-222-2366 for more information.  Please give us a try.  We are located on Route 247 near Crystal Lake, on the way to Forest City.  We would like to meet you!

Check us out at

Canon Mark Laubach's 25th

May 22 Evensong and Laubach Celebration

St. Stephen’s Episcopal Pro Cathedral in Wilkes-Barre will celebrate the 25th anniversary of Canon Mark Laubach’s service to the church following a choral Evensong at 5:00 pm Sunday, May 22, in the church, at 35 South Franklin Street.  Evensong is one of the most beautiful services in the Anglican tradition, and the public is invited to stay for the reception afterward.

Music at the Evensong will include Let the People Praise Thee, O God, the majestic anthem composed by William Mathias for the wedding of Prince Charles and Lady Diana Spencer in July, 1981.  The St. Stephen’s choirs under Mark Laubach’s direction also will sing the Evening Canticles in E by Herbert Murrill, and William Smith’s Preces & Responses.

Mark Laubach came to St. Stephen's as Minister of Music January 2, 1986, just two years after winning the National Young Artists Competition in organ performance.  He was appointed a Fellow in Church Music at the National Cathedral in Washington, DC, and shortly thereafter came to St. Stephens.  Canon Laubach has performed in major venues all over the world, including the Kennedy Center, St. Thomas Church and the Cathedral of St. John the Divine (both in New York), and in London at St. Paul’s Cathedral and Westminster Abbey, as well as the King’s Chapel in Cambridge.

Canon Laubach administers a busy liturgical, choral, concert, and broadcasting schedule at St. Stephen’s. In 2002, under his supervision the church’s large pipe organ was rebuilt by the Berghaus Organ Company of Chicago. This instrument now stands among the finest of its type in the Mid-Atlantic region, having won high praise from organists and audiences.
Suzanne Fisher Staples
570.561.5962 (cell)

Jubilate for Pentecost through November 30, 2011

Hymnody for Pentecost to Christ the King Sunday (June 12, 2011 to November 30, 2011), published by the Diocese of Bethlehem for our diocesan community and for free distribution to the world, may be downloaded below as an Acrobat or MSWord file. Jubilate is a service of our Liturgy and Music Commission, specifically Canon Cliff Carr who has been doing this for more than 30 years.

Download PENTEC-A  Adobe Acrobat required for this .pdf

Download PENTEC-A  Microsoft Word format

Chrism Mass at Cathedral – Thursday, April 14 at 11:00

[From Bishop Paul]

In most places in the Christian world, the renewal of ordination vows and blessing of oils for the year are private services. In Bethlehem our liturgy is public, lay people are urged to be present, and there is a free lunch.

So why should you accept this invitation?

1) Besides the fact that it is a stunning and uplifting liturgy, it is your chance to be with other members of the diocese as we support and pray for our clergy as they re-commit themselves to to their service to us. It is also the time when together we pray over the oils that are used with the sick and at baptism and confirmation--each time those oils are applied, they represent the prayers of the entire diocese. Those of you with special ministries of healing and teaching will particularly want to be present.

2) Amazing Ecumenical Visitors
Both the Bishop of the NE PA Synod of the ELCA and the President of the Eastern District of the Moravian Church will be present and for the first time, all three traditions will be represented in an Episcopal liturgy. This is history being made.

3) It is yet another opportunity to connect with sisters and brothers from around the diocese as we share lunch. The more connection we have, the better we function.

4) Pilgrimage
In some ways, those who travel the farthest for this event will reap the most benefit. When we travel to do something, we change as we go; this is why the ancient practice of pilgrimage still has so much meaning.  But whether you are crossing the street or crossing the mountains, making the effort to be at this service will bless you.

To let us know how much lunch to make, your priest will need to know how many are coming, so if you won't be there Sunday to raise your hand at announcement time, let him/her know otherwise, as we need a count on Monday.

I look forward to being with you on this important day.


PS: There will be modest but fun prizes for the children of church that comes the farthest, has the largest percent of its Average Sunday Attendance present, and largest number of attendees.

Grace Kingston seeks full-time Minister of Music

[Received from Grace Kingston]

Grace Episcopal Church in Kingston, Pennsylvania is looking for a full-time Minister of Music committed to enhancing and developing the musical programs at the parish. This person should be an accomplished organist and choir director, and open to various musical styles and settings. Familiarity with the Episcopal liturgy and seasons of the Christian year is a plus but not required. The candidate should have the ability to communicate and work well with a volunteer adult choir, paid soloists, other musicians, children and youth, and clergy and staff in a team environment.

In preparation for one to two services on Sunday, the Minister of Music will plan and coordinate service music with the rector, the parish administrator, and work with a volunteer choir. Other significant liturgical occasions –Christmas, Holy Week, Easter, Funerals and Weddings – will require extra planning and rehearsals.

The annual salary is commensurate with the abilities and experience of the candidate. The position is available May 16, 2011.

Please contact
The Reverend John Hartman
Rector Grace Episcopal Church
30 Butler Street
Kingston, Pennsylvania 18704
Office: 570-287-8440
Rector’s Study: 570-714-2622
Rector’s Email: [email protected]

Choral Evensong at Mediator Allentown, April 3

[From Clint Miller, Organist/Choirmaster]

Mediator’s Lenten Choral Evensong will take place on the afternoon of Sunday, April 3rd at 4:00 o’clock. The Choir will sing the music of four composers from different eras of musical history: an Introit by F Melius Christiansen (1871-1955), founder and conductor of the famed St. Olaf Choir, the Preces and Responses by Humphrey Clucas (b. 1941), a self-taught English composer as well as a poet and singer and Lay Vicar (member of the choir) of Westminster Abbey. The canticles Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis are settings by another Britt, Sir George Dyson (1883-1964) who was, among other posts, the long-time director of the Royal College of Music. The anthem at the Offering will be Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina’s  Sicut cervus (Like as the Hart) and Sitivit anima mea (My spirit  thirsts), settings of verses 1 though 3 of Psalm 42. Palestrina (ca. 1525-1594), “the greatest of the late Renaissance composers” was famous in his day, and if anything his reputation increased after his death. He was also the long-time maestro di cappella, the papal choir of St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome.

A reception will follow the  service in the Commons Room.

The Episcopal Church of the Mediator
1620 Turner Street, Allentown
Parking is available in The  Masonic Temple lot on Linden Street across from West Park.


Episcopal-Moravian Full Communion celebration, Feb. 10

[From Maria Tjeltveit]

One of the privileges and joys of my ministry has been serving on the Moravian-Episcopal Dialogue for our national Church, which drafted the full communion proposal for our two Churches. So I am delighted to invite you to join in the celebration service inaugurating our full communion relationship on Thursday, February 10, at 6:00 p.m. at Central Moravian Church in Bethlehem. Our Presiding Bishop, Katharine Jefferts Schori will be the celebrant, joined by the heads of the Provincial Elders’ Conference of the Northern and Southern Provinces of the Moravian Church in America.

It’s not often that a historical event happens right here in our back yard. And even though it’s a service for the whole of both our denominations, having a midweek service in February may reduce the number of people who come from a great distance. So that means that we who are local are encouraged to come and bring our friends. It will be great to celebrate this service right in the heart of the Moravian Church and in our diocese.

What is full communion? It is a way for denominations to come together without merging; acknowledging the fullness of the church in each other, working together for mission and ministry, and exchanging clergy. We have been in full communion with the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America for 10 years, and the Lutherans and Moravians are also in full communion, so this kind of completes a triangle of full communion relationships. Especially in our area, where there are plenty of Lutherans and Moravians, it will be good to see how we can live into full communion in substantial way.

I hope you will join me on February 10 for this celebration.

Maria Tjeltveit, Canon for Ecumenical and Interfaith Relations

Christmas Festival, Lessons and Carols, Stevensville

From the Episcopal Church in Susquehanna County
The Rev’d Paul Walker, Rector, St. Paul’s Montrose
The Rev’d Randy Lee Webster, Priest, St. Mark’s New Milford and Christ Church Susquehanna

St. Matthew Stevensville St. Matthew’s Episcopal Church in Stevensville has announced its annual Christmas Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols which will be held on Saturday, December 11 at 3:00 P.M.  The church is located on Route 706 in Stevensville.  The Rev’d Paul Walker, Rector of St. Paul’s, will officiate at the service.  Refreshments will be served following the program.

Everyone is invited to bring boughs of holly and evergreens to decorate the church prior to the service.  Because of the soft ground around the building, St. Matthew’s invites those attending to park at Frank and Mary’s Restaurant, just west of the church, and ride the wagon up to the church.

St Matthew's Church, Stevensville, in what is now Bradford County, was established in 1799 by sheep farmers who came from Litchfield, CT, following the Revolutionary War. Along with their sheep, they brought their deep faith and commitment to the Church of England. However, the recent War of Independence meant that church was now reconstituted in the United States as of 1789 as the Episcopal Church. Their first services were held in a room over a store, but soon they moved to a church building.

In 1814 the church building burned and construction was soon underway for a new sanctuary. This new building, which still stands, was built in 1820 and consecrated by Bishop William White, the first Bishop of Pennsylvania, in 1824. This majestic structure has stood fast and faithful for over 185 years. It is reported to be the oldest building in the Diocese of Bethlehem still used as a church.

The sanctuary has been refurbished several times over the years, but the “modernization” was the conversion of the whale-oil lamps to kerosene. The original source of heat was a large pot-bellied stove in the rear of the church, which still stands. It is not disconnected for reasons of safety; charred beams under the floor are reminders of fires past.

The interior of the building has been kept as the original, including a balcony with benches, which winds its way along the rear and sidewalls. The windows are mainly clear glass, although there are several tinted or painted memorial windows. There are many interesting appointments and paintings in the church.

Due to changing demographics, St. Matthew's has become essentially inactive as a parish. Seasonal services and special events, such as weddings, are held in the building; and, it is the site of many pilgrimages. Since the early 1930's the care and oversight of the church was given to St. Paul's, Montrose, which is seventeen miles east of the parish on Route 706.

Lessons and Carols in Wilkes-Barre

[From Andrea]

Wednesday, December 15 at 6:00 p.m. at St. Stephen's Pro-Cathedral, Wilkes-Barre. This is an annual program we do to commemorate the beginning of Advent.  This year, however, will be extra special because it is our Organist/Choirmaster Mark Laubach's 25th anniversary at St. Stephen's.  Mark will perform for the first time ever a brand new commissioned piece by David Briggs, an accomplished organist from Great Britain, who performed at our last silent film showing last year.
Find below a memo from Mark with a listing of songs we will be performing. The memo als invites you to join the choir. So, if you don't plan on that, kindly disregard the info there.

Download Advent Lessons and Carols 2010.doc

There is no admission, but as usual, the Choir will collect free will contributions that will go towards our music activities. You are free to give as much or as little as you'd like. Free parking is available next to the church.

Jubilate Advent A to Last Epiphany A (11/28/2010 to 03/06/2011)

Hymnody for Advent A to last Sunday of Epiphany (November 28, 2010 to March 6, 2011), published by the Diocese of Bethlehem for our diocesan community and for free distribution to the world, may be downloaded below as an Acrobat or MSWord file. Jubilate is a service of our Liturgy and Music Commission, specifically Canon Cliff Carr who has been doing this for more than 30 years.

Word Format: Download 101101JubilateADVENT-A

.pdf Format: Download 101101JubilateADVENT-A

RC Diocese of Scranton Bishop will preach at St. Luke's Scranton

The Right Reverend Paul V. Marshall
Bishop of the Diocese of Bethlehem
and the Rector and Congregation
of Saint Luke’s Episcopal Church
cordially invite you to attend
A Choral Evensong for All Saints
at which Most Reverend Joseph C. Bambera
Bishop of the Diocese of Scranton will preach

Sunday, November 7, 2010 at four o'clock in the afternoon

Saint Luke’s Episcopal Church
232 Wyoming Avenue, Scranton, Pennsylvania 18503

Traditional English Tea following

For more information: 570.342.7654 [email protected]

Cathedral invited to lead worship at Musikfest, August 15

Make a joyful noise unto the Lord [Psalm 100]

The Nativity Church of the Cathedral is exicited to announce our first invitation to lead worship at the 2010 Bethlehem Musikfest, Sunday August 15 at 10:00 a.m. Nativity's Jazz band will perform a Plaza Tropical, located between Main and Spring streets in Bethlehem. We welcome all to join in this toe-tapping, joyful morning. Light refreshments will be served after the service.

The Jazz band is intergenerational and interdenominational and has been performing together for the past three years. Ages range from ten to seventy-five years old. Led by Carol Yale, who teaches locally and performs with the Allentown Symphony Orchestra, the band has played at various churches and locations in the Lehigh Valley. The music for Sunday morning will include “Deacon Jack’s Gospel Shack” by Paul Murtha and “The Gospel Truth” by Carl Strommen. The congregation will be invited to join in with various uplifting hymns.

For some, the idea of Jazz and an Episcopal worship service may seem strange. Anglican worship is often associated with the great European composers of the last 500 years. But like the Episcopal Church, Jazz is known for its careful balance of the individual and group voice, and both are given the chance to shine. Also like Jazz, the Episcopal Church is native to America and open to people of different ideas and talents.

The Rev. Canon Mariclair Partee will officiate and preach. Mariclair is originally from Atlanta, Georgia, and joined the Cathedral last year. The Gospel for August 15 is Luke 12:49-56, and Canon Partee will commemorate Jon Daniels, an Episcopal martyr shot and killed 45 years ago for his work in the American civil rights movement.

As Herbie Hancock said, “Jazz is about being in the moment”. Come be “in the moment” and worship with Nativity Cathedral.

RSCM in America/Wilkes-Barre this week

[From Canon Mark Laubach]

Dear Friends:

Since 1995, St. Stephen’s Episcopal Pro-Cathedral and King’s College in Wilkes-Barre have hosted an annual summer choir training course sponsored by the Royal School of Church Music (RSCM) in America. Prior to that year, the course was held from 1990 through 1994 at the Valley Forge Military Academy in suburban Philadelphia. For the first three years of the course’s residence at Valley Forge, the music director was Dr. Barry Rose, one of Great Britain’s most eminent choral directors and church musicians. Dr. Rose is perhaps best known for having directed in 1981 the combined choirs of St. Paul’s Cathedral in London (where he served as Organist and Choirmaster at the time) and the Chapel Royal for the wedding of Prince Charles and Princess Diana, an event that was seen and heard around the world.
Now 20 years after the start of this course, history is repeating itself with the return of Dr. Barry Rose as guest Music Director for the 2010 King’s College RSCM Course, which began yesterday and continues through this coming Sunday, August 1st. Nearly 190 boys, girls, teens, college students, and adults of all ages have come to Wilkes-Barre from all across the continental USA to participate in this week of choral singing in the Anglican cathedral tradition. Dr. Rose is assisted by a large staff of professionals from throughout the country, including organists Mark Laubach (Organist and Choirmaster of St. Stephen’s) and Tom Sheehan (St. Mark’s Church, Philadelphia). The Rev’d Linda Rosengren, Deacon (Jacksonville, FL) is the Course Manager, and the Rev’d William Duffey (Philadelphia) is the Chaplain. The Rev’d Daniel Cube Gunn, Rector of St. Stephen’s, is the host priest, and Bishop Paul Marshall of the Diocese of Bethlehem will be present for closing liturgies on Sunday, August 1st.
A number of services and musical events throughout the week are open to the public, and are listed below.
Choral Evensong
    Tuesday (7/27), Wednesday (7/28), and Friday (7/30) at 5:30 PM in St. Stephen’s
Sung Compline
    Tuesday (7/27), Wednesday (7/28), Thursday (7/29), and Saturday (7/31) at 9 PM in St. Stephen’s
Holy Eucharist (spoken)
    Wednesday (7/28), Thursday (7/29), and Friday (7/30) at 7:30 AM at the Chapel of Christ the King, King’s College
Morning Prayer or Eucharist (spoken)
    Saturday (7/31) at 8 AM at the Chapel of Christ the King, King’s College
CLOSING LITURGIES – Sunday, August 1st at St. Stephen’s
    Choral Eucharist at 10:30 AM  (Missa Brevis in B-flat, K. 275 – W. A. Mozart)
    Choral Evensong at 3:30 PM    (featuring the anthem, Hear my words, ye people by C. H. H. Parry)
Faculty Recital
    Thursday (7/29) at 7:30 PM at St. Stephen’s
Please feel welcome to join us for any or all of these events.
St. Stephen’s Nave is handicap accessible and air conditioned.
For more information about the RSCM King’s College Course, visit
We hope to see you here in these coming days!
Mark Laubach
Canon Mark Laubach, Organist & Choirmaster
St. Stephen's Episcopal Church
Pro-Cathedral of the Diocese of Bethlehem
35 South Franklin Street
Wilkes-Barre PA   18701
Telephone:   (570)825-6653
Fax:   (570)825-0430

Jubilate Pentecost to Last Sunday after Pentecost (May 23 to November 21)

Hymnody for Pentecost to last Sunday after Pentecost (May 23 to Nov. 21), published by the Diocese of Bethlehem for our diocesan community and for free distribution to the world, may be downloaded below as an Acrobat or MSWord file. Jubilate is a service of our Liturgy and Music Commission, specifically Canon Cliff Carr who has been doing this for more than 30 years.


Download PENTEC-C  PDF