Sunday Martin Luther King Jr Brunch at Trinity Bethlehem will benefit Soup Kitchen

Sunday Martin Luther King Jr Brunch at Trinity Bethlehem will benefit Soup Kitchen
From The Morning Call, Diane Stoneback

Jackie Onassis, Andy Warhol, Leonard Bernstein, Casey Stengel and Dick Clark all ate party foods prepared by caterer Edna "Ma" Bragg, who spent 40 years feeding New York City's rich and famous. Some of those same foods will be on the table Jan. 15 when Ma Bragg's daughters, Oceola "OC" and Gladys Bragg, will host a buffet-style, benefit brunch at Bethlehem's Trinity Episcopal Church. The dishes on the menu, from spoonbread, cornbread, grits and gravy to biscuits, collards, eggs, ham, sausage and blueberry coffeecake, are from recipes contained in a soon-to-be-published culinary memoir called "Country Cooking, City Style: Ma Bragg Brings Memphis to Manhattan."

More here.

Sunday, Jan. 15, 12:30 to 2:00, at Trinity, 44 E. Market, Bethlehem. Reservations here.

Diocesan Life for September 2011

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Book drive to benefit children whose families come to the Grace Food Pantry

[From Elizabeth House, director, Grace Montessori School and senior warden, Grace Allentown]

Grace Church Allentown’s Grace Montessori School is holding a book drive to benefit children whose families come to the Grace Food Pantry, located at the church, for supplemental groceries.  We invite you to ask your child, grandchild, godchild, niece, nephew, or neighbor to look around the house for a gently used children’s book that he or she has outgrown and which they would like to donate to a child in need in the Allentown community.
The food pantry serves about 200 families (including 350 children) per month.  The school’s goal is to be able to give each one of those children a book to take home. Please ask a child you know to pick out a book they would like to share with another child. Such a simple gesture can make a big difference and put a smile on a child’s face.
If you would like to donate more than one book, or would like to purchase a new book for the book drive, that is fine as well.  All donations will be gratefully received, and you can be assured the books will be put to very good use. Thank you in advance for your support.
Books may be donated Monday through Friday
May 16th – May 20th
Collection bins will be available at the primary school site (814 W. Linden in Allentown)
and at the elementary school site (located in the administrative offices of the church).
You may also drop off donations or mail them directly to
Grace Episcopal Church, 108 N. 5th Street, Allentown, PA 18102.