Diocesan Life for October 2011

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Diocesan Life for September 2011

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ECW Annual Meeting

May 18, 2011
The Diocesan Episcopal Churchwomen
Annual meeting at Kirby House
9am – 2;30pm
The Rev. Canon Anne E. Kitch
“Minding our Spiritual Life; Turning our Brains Toward God”
Registration 9;30am – refreshments available
Begin 10:00 am – Opening Prayers
10:10 am – Program – The Rev. Canon Anne E. Kitch
11:00 am – Holy Eucharist – The Rt. Rev. Paul V. Marshall
12:00 – noon – Lunch
1:00 pm Continue program
2:30 pm – Closing Prayer
$12.50 per person
Make checks payable to
Diocesan Episcopal Churchwomen
Mail to:
Catherine Jeffery
1839 Ulster Road
Allentown, Pa, 18109
Phone # 610-868-6682
Deadline May 6

E.C.W. collecting sweatshirts and socks for homeless during Diocesan Convention

From Marlene Hartshorne:

For Diocesan Convention we are asking the parishes to help collect sweatshirts and socks for the homeless and those in need.
Each delegate should please bring one package to convention. The ones we receive at convention will be given to those churches who open their doors during the cold winter providing a place to sleep and hot food for the homeless. The ones not taken to convention each parish will deliver to those in need in
their area.
We appreciate very much all the help you give to us.
Thank you.
The Diocesan Episcopal Churchwomen.

Another Way of Giving

By Laura I. Chegwidden

Once again, new sweat shirts and pants along with underwear and socks were among the donations presented at Diocesan Convention.  Over 600 items were collected in response to the Diocesan Episcopal Church Women's appeal for these items.  Recently the donations of new clothing were given to the diocesan programs for distribution.  Two of the organizations that benefited were St. Stephen's Wilkes Barre's "Reach" program and New Bethany Ministries in Bethlehem.

Continue reading "Another Way of Giving" »

ECW Children’s Project

For the 2009 Diocesan Convention, the ECW will be collecting sweatpants and sweatshirts (sizes 5 to 18) plus undies for children at risk. Each delegate is asked to bring one package to Diocesan Convention. These items will be distributed to children at risk in northeastern Pennsylvania. After collecting from church members, each parish representative will then distribute the remaining sweatshirts, sweatpants, and undies to a local facility (or facilities) for children at risk. For more information contact: Dorothy Shaw, [email protected]; Marlene Hartshorne, [email protected] or 610-780-4602

Diocesan ECW begins 15th year as sponsors for young girls through Child Fund International

By Laura I. Chegwidden
Did you ever wonder how the fair share funds that each parish is asked every year to contribute to the diocesan Episcopal Church Women (ECW) are used? Sponsoring a child through Child Fund International (formerly the Christian Children's Fund) is one aspect of the outreach in which all of us have an opportunity to participate.
The diocesan ECW in July committed to a 15th year of sponsoring a young girl. ECW has helped girls in Colombia and currently sponsors a girl in Ecuador.  Not only have the girls received educational support, but their families have benefited from medical and dental care as well.

Continue reading "Diocesan ECW begins 15th year as sponsors for young girls through Child Fund International " »

Marlene Hartshorne, Honored Woman


Every triennial year, a search is conducted by the ECW in each diocese of the church to identify one "honored woman" who models the Christian life using her God-given gifts in all she is and in all she does. Their biographies and photographs are then submitted to the National ECW and they are included in a printed booklet of the Honored Women for that year. Their names are read and they are presented with a certificate during the Triennial meeting. In the Diocese of Bethlehem, Marlene Hartshorne has been recognized as our ECW Honored Woman.

The following is from the proclamation: Marlene Hartshorne spends endless hours and effort working for the Church and the Diocese of Bethlehem. She is an acolyte, lay reader lecturer, altar guild member, pastoral visitor, volunteers in the church office and serves as co-president of the diocesan Episcopal Church Women, and has been a member of the national nominating committee for Province III. She is a member of the World Mission Committee, working to build a relationship with the Mothers Union of the Diocese of Kajo Keji in southern Sudan. Jesus Christ is the center of her life and work. She is a joy.

One in Christ? [Presentation at ECW annual meeting]

Tjeltveit.Maria2a What is Christian unity? What would it look like if we had it?  On Wednesday, May 13, The Rev. Maria Tjeltveit will explore these questions in her presentation, One in Christ? at the annual meeting of our diocesan Episcopal Church Women at Kirby House. Maria is rector of Mediator Allentown and serves the Diocese of Bethlehem as Ecumenical and Interfaith Officer. She will lead an exploration of the ecumenical movement, including dialogues on the national and international level as well as in our own parishes. This is an opportunity to learn and to share our experiences of working together and connecting with our brothers and sisters in Christ. Jesus prayed that “they all may be one.” Come find out how we, as women and as members of the body of Christ, seek to live out Christ’s prayer.

Send reservation, $12, to Catherine Jeffery, 1839 Ulster Road, Allentown, by May 1. No reservations accepted after this deadline. Call Catherine at 610-868-6682

Continue reading "One in Christ? [Presentation at ECW annual meeting]" »

ECW Annual Meeting -- May 14

The annual meeting of the diocesan Episcopal Churchwomen will be held on May 14 at Kirby House, 9:30 to 2:30 Program: The Lionesses of Sudan, Women of Southern Sudan, presented by Jo Trepagnier, World Mission Committee secretary, and Char Horst, development officer for the Diocese of Bethlehem. Bishop Paul will preside and preach at Eucharist.

Send PREPAID registration $12 to: Catherine Jeffery, 1839 Ulster Road, Allentown, PA 18109. Make checks payable to “Diocesan ECW.”

Registration deadline is April 25 (No exceptions)

All who attend are asked to bring a small bottle of tap water from your home, abeled with your church’s name and the area where you live.

Cruising to Equity

AWE Children’s Ministries and our diocesan Episcopal Church Women will once again sponsor Cruising to Equity, an advocacy and prayer vigil project that invites congregations to join in prayer and action for children. It begins with the observance of the National Children’s Sabbath (sponsored by the Children’s Defense Fund) and the Diocesan ECW’s collection of personal care kits for children at risk (babies to 16 years) at our Diocesan Convention, October 12-13. Flyers and Participation Guides may be downloaded here. The ECW poster detailing personal care items may be downloaded below. Children’s Sabbath Manuals are available for purchase through the Children’s Defense Fund site. Please notify Rosemary Kleintop if your parish intends to climb aboard this year’s campaign.

Download ecw_outreach_for_07_convention.pdf

ECW raised $20,000 for Kajo Keji ministries

Since October 2004, our diocesan Episcopal Church Women have raised some $20,000 through their sale of crafts made by the Mothers' Union of the Diocese of Kajo Keji in southern Sudan. That includes a recent transfer of $5,705, according to the jdiocesan World Mission committee.

All proceeds, not simply the profit, support the Mothers' Union ministry with orphans and widows as well as their vocational education projects such as sewing classes that include dress making and embroidery. Hefty postal costs have been offset by additional contributions.

The Mothers’ Union is the counterpart to ECW in many parts of the Anglican Communion.

The artistic renderings have been shown at diocesan conventions, parish  and fall and holiday craft shows. They include finely woven baskets of millet, palm leaves and split bamboo (all renewable sources, ecologically speaking) and small carved pieces.

ECW Presentation of Sudanese Crafts

The Diocese of Bethlehem Episcopal Church Women (ECW) is scheduling presentations of new Sudanese crafts. Items in abundance include hand-carved animals, decorative wall plaques, woven items such as baskets, trays and bowls. Also beaded necklaces, including some with crosses as well as other jewelry. All will be available for purchase. All funds raised, not simply the profits, aid in the care of orphans and widows and the work of the Mothers' Union of the Diocese of Kajo Keji in southern Sudan.

Oct. 22 -- St. Anne's, Trexlertown, during the Forum, 9:05am, at which a presentation on Kajo Keji will be made by Connie and Randall Fegley.

Nov.14 -- PA Conference of Churches Conference, at Harrisburg Hilton and Towers. Program - Globalization: It's a Different World; Global Community and Our Local Churches (Sudanese crafts show and fund raising, Noon to 4:00.

Nov. 19 -- Christ Church, Reading, during the Forum, 9:00am, at which a presentation on Kajo Keji will be made by Connie and Randall Fegley.

Dec. 2 -- Trinity Church, Mt. Pocono

Dec.10   Church of the Mediator, Allentown, after 8 and 10:15 services

More info: Laura Chegwidden. To add your church's event at which Sudanese crafts can be shown, speak with Catherine Jeffery, 610-868-6682.

New Diocesan UTO Coordinator

Cathy Bailey has accepted the position of Diocesan UTO Coordinator. A member of the Cathedral Church of the Nativity, Bethlehem, Cathy was a diocesan deputy at the recent General Convention. Her introductory letter as UTO Coordinator and her GC reflection, The Top Mission Priority of our Church, from page A7 of the July/August edition of Diocesan Life, are accessible at the links below.

Download uto_coordinatorr.pdf

Download 060706-7a.pdf

The ECW event at Kirby House

"My goal has been to involve the whole diocese in a mission project that would reach a kind of completion and be celebrated each year at diocesan convention," said Marlene Hartshorne who has served as president of the diocesan Episcopal Church Women since 1997.

"In the ECW of our Diocese, we are seeing a vine bearing fruit, seeing what can happen when we are connected to Jesus Christ," said Bishop Paul during his sermon.

The ECW named Diana Marshall Outstanding Woman of the Diocese of Bethlehem.

Charles Cesaretti focused his presentations on "the most misunderstood woman of the Bible, Mary of Nazareth," detailing the similarities between Mary's Magnificat and Jesus' Beatitudes.

Story and photos on the pdf file below.

Download 0605.ECW event at Kirby House.pdf

ECW Annual Meeting, May 10

You may download a brochure, below, for the ECW Annual Meeting at Kirby House, May 10. It includes a registration form you may send with payment of $12 to Catherine Jeffery, ECW Treasurer. At this Annual Meeting and Celebration of Women, the ECW of the Diocese of Bethlehem will name Diana Marshall outstanding woman of the diocese. See the stry at the second download. Bishop Paul will preside and preach at Eucharist. Canon Charles Cesaretti will be the guest speaker. All are invited.

Download ecw_annual_meeting_brochure.pdf

Download ecw_names_diana_marshall.pdf