Disaster Preparedness Training, Aug. 17

Dear Friends,
There is still time to register for our next-to-the-last disaster preparedness training session, to be held from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Saturday, August 17 at St. George’s Regional Disaster Recovery & Outreach Center, 408 E. Main Street in Nanticoke. The training will prepare representatives of your parish to help coordinate a disaster preparedness and response plan for your church, as required by the resolution proposed by the Diocesan Disaster Recovery & Community Resiliency Committee and approved at last year’s Diocesan Convention, as follows:
Diocesan Resolution on Preparedness, Approved at the October, 2012 Diocesan Convention:
With awareness that disasters of many types can and have affected the parishes of the Episcopal Diocese of Bethlehem, and in acceptance of our Christian responsibility to both assist those affected by disasters and to be good stewards of our own church resources by protecting them from the effects of a disaster where possible, be it hereby resolved that each parish in the diocese will develop a disaster preparedness and response plan in accordance with the guidelines provided by Episcopal Relief & Development (ER&D) and have it on file in their parish and the diocesan offices no later than January 1, 2014.
Diocesan Disaster and Community Resiliency Committee
Canon Andrew Gerns, Canon Charles Cesaretti, Rev. Charles Warwick, Rev. Timothy Alleman,  Rev. Jane Williams, Rev. Eddie Lopez, Rev. John Major, Janine Ungvarsky
Rt. Rev. Paul V. Marshall, Convener

Creating this plan may seem to be an intimidating task, but with the resources created by Episcopal Relief & Development and provided at the training, a small committee at your parish can create a basic plan in just a few hours.  In many cases, you will find you already have all the information and resources you need—the plan just provides a way to organize and share it as needed.

With news reports of flooding in North Carolina, Kansas and other areas, California wildfires and even the stories of the “temporary” cardboard cathedral for Christchurch, New Zealand that remind us of the devastating earthquakes and other disasters that have occurred worldwide in recent memory, it is hard to dismiss the need for our Church and our churches to be ready to respond.  A few hours spent putting together a plan will help you be ready to protect your parish assets and respond to your parishioners and your neighbors when the need arises.

Please email me at [email protected] to register for either the August 17 training or the final disaster preparedness training session on October 26.  The session includes Noon Prayer and lunch is provided, so it is important that you register in advance.  I look forward to seeing you at one of the sessions.

Pax et Bonum.  Peace and all goodness.
The Rev. John Major
Trinity Episcopal Church of West Pittston
Saint Clement and Saint Peter Church of Wilkes-Barre
The Children’s MUSICare Project featuring Music Together
Trinity Episcopal Church of West Pittston
Diocese of Bethlehem Episcopal Relief and Development Representative
Director of Saint George’s Regional Disaster Recovery and Outreach Center , Nanticoke, Luzerne County, PA
Member of Diocesan Council, Diocese of Bethlehem
220 Montgomery Avenue
West Pittston, PA  18643