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Trinity West Pittston flips out over pancakes

By Janine Ungvarsky

On Shrove Tuesday, Trinity West Pittston flipped out, serving 600 pancakes in just over three hours at our 8th Annual Pancake, Egg and Sausage Supper.  The dining hall was filled with a steady stream of neighbors, friends and parishioners all enjoying the pancake flipping skills of Father John Major, who manned the griddle for the evening.  The event was a great success, thanks to the nearly two dozen Trinity parishioners and friends of the parish who served food, kept coffee pots and syrup pitchers filled and made sure the guests all left happy and full.
A number of the guests at the pancake dinner were local residents affected by the September flooding, who were provided complimentary tickets courtesy of donations.
The event got an honorable mention in an article about Fat Tuesday/Shrove Tuesday that ran in the Times Leader the following day.


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