The Rev. Charlie Warwick named Deacon-in-Charge at St. Mark's, New Milford
Calendar of Events updated December 2, 2011

Santa visits Music Together at Trinity, West Pittston » Santa visits Music Together at Trinity West Pittston

Dear Bakery Friends,

Trinity West Pittston had a special visitor last night when Santa Claus heard a Music Together class in progress and dropped in to visit with the children and their families.  Music Together is an internationally known music and movement program for children from birth to age five and the grownups that love them, which Trinity brought to the area three years ago as part of our MUSICare ministry to young families. 

Fifteen children and their parents and grandparents were taking part in Trinity's annual free Christmas demonstration of the Music Together program, including a number of families who were new to the Music Together experience.  Santa Claus heard the loud and joyful sound of the children experimenting with the rhythm instruments and stopped by to sing along.  Santa joined the kids and their families in a rousing rendition of "Jingle Bells," then spent time talking to the children and gave each a small gift.  I was able to get this photo of Santa and some of the children and their parents and grandparents before Santa had to hurry off...

The Christmas Santa Sing-a-Long is one of two free Music Together events held at Trinity each year-- the other is an end-of-summer party. In addition, we participate in numerous free demonstrations in the community at libraries, bookstores and schools during the year. Three semesters of classes, 10 weeks per semester, are held each year, with classes offered mornings, afternoons and early evenings.   If you or someone you know lives in the Wilkes-Barre/Scranton area and is interested in more information about Music Together classes, please email me at [email protected] or visit  The next class semester starts January 10.



Janine Ungvarsky
Assistant Administrator
MUSICare featuring Music Together
Trinity West Pittston


Little Jackson meets Santa for the very first time...


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