Pray For...
March 04, 2011
Pray for our young men and women who have died in Iraq and Afghanistan, and for their families:
David R. Fahey Jr., 23
Jerome Firtamag, 29
Kristopher J. Gould, 25
Rudolph R. Hizon 22
Chauncy R. Mays, 25
Christopher G. Stark, 22
Brian Tabada, 21
Andrew C. Wilfahrt, 31
Pray also for the fallen heroes also of our coalition partners, and for the citizens of Iraq and Afghanistan who have died, unnamed and unknown to us, and for those who mourn ... and for an end to this endless war.
Culled from various web pages, including:
U.S. Department of Defense news releases
In Remembrance, at
Honor the Fallen, from Military Times