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Choral Evensong at Mediator Allentown, April 3

[From Clint Miller, Organist/Choirmaster]

Mediator’s Lenten Choral Evensong will take place on the afternoon of Sunday, April 3rd at 4:00 o’clock. The Choir will sing the music of four composers from different eras of musical history: an Introit by F Melius Christiansen (1871-1955), founder and conductor of the famed St. Olaf Choir, the Preces and Responses by Humphrey Clucas (b. 1941), a self-taught English composer as well as a poet and singer and Lay Vicar (member of the choir) of Westminster Abbey. The canticles Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis are settings by another Britt, Sir George Dyson (1883-1964) who was, among other posts, the long-time director of the Royal College of Music. The anthem at the Offering will be Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina’s  Sicut cervus (Like as the Hart) and Sitivit anima mea (My spirit  thirsts), settings of verses 1 though 3 of Psalm 42. Palestrina (ca. 1525-1594), “the greatest of the late Renaissance composers” was famous in his day, and if anything his reputation increased after his death. He was also the long-time maestro di cappella, the papal choir of St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome.

A reception will follow the  service in the Commons Room.

The Episcopal Church of the Mediator
1620 Turner Street, Allentown
Parking is available in The  Masonic Temple lot on Linden Street across from West Park.



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