Renewal Assembly – February 19 – Registration has begun
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Women's Retreat, hosted by Cathedral

The Gold Box: Discover the Treasure Within

Deirdre Good 5x7 The Cathedral Church of the Nativity is hosting its annual retreat for women March 11-13 at Villa of Our Lady Retreat House, Mt. Pocono, open to all women in the Diocese of Bethlehem and surrounding dioceses in the Episcopal Church. This year's retreat leader is Deirdre Good, Professor of New Testament at General Theological Seminary in New York City. The Gold Box: Discover the Treasure Within is an invitation to receive Jesus' seemingly simple parables as gold boxes holding precious treasures. Together we will open these gold boxes to discover the meaning of parables for our lives today. The weekend will also feature generous fellowship, art responses, prayer stations and worship.
About the leader: Dr. Deirdre Good is professor of New Testament at The General Theological Seminary, specializing in the Synoptic Gospels, Christian origins, noncanonical writings and biblical languages. She is the author of many well-received books including Jesus' Family Values and most recently Studying the New Testament, with Bruce Chilton. Deirdre is a frequent contributor to EpiscopalCafe (, a website where writers and artists "reflect upon contemporary life in a context informed by faith."

For the complete announcement and registration form, download the pdf 2011 Womens Retreat or email Janet Kolepp at [email protected]

Please prayerfully consider coming. If you have questions call Janet Kolepp at 484-241-1252 or The Rev. Canon Mariclair Partee at 610-865-072


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