Prepare to be misunderstood - Canon Andrew Gerns
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Cathedral invited to lead worship at Musikfest, August 15

Make a joyful noise unto the Lord [Psalm 100]

The Nativity Church of the Cathedral is exicited to announce our first invitation to lead worship at the 2010 Bethlehem Musikfest, Sunday August 15 at 10:00 a.m. Nativity's Jazz band will perform a Plaza Tropical, located between Main and Spring streets in Bethlehem. We welcome all to join in this toe-tapping, joyful morning. Light refreshments will be served after the service.

The Jazz band is intergenerational and interdenominational and has been performing together for the past three years. Ages range from ten to seventy-five years old. Led by Carol Yale, who teaches locally and performs with the Allentown Symphony Orchestra, the band has played at various churches and locations in the Lehigh Valley. The music for Sunday morning will include “Deacon Jack’s Gospel Shack” by Paul Murtha and “The Gospel Truth” by Carl Strommen. The congregation will be invited to join in with various uplifting hymns.

For some, the idea of Jazz and an Episcopal worship service may seem strange. Anglican worship is often associated with the great European composers of the last 500 years. But like the Episcopal Church, Jazz is known for its careful balance of the individual and group voice, and both are given the chance to shine. Also like Jazz, the Episcopal Church is native to America and open to people of different ideas and talents.

The Rev. Canon Mariclair Partee will officiate and preach. Mariclair is originally from Atlanta, Georgia, and joined the Cathedral last year. The Gospel for August 15 is Luke 12:49-56, and Canon Partee will commemorate Jon Daniels, an Episcopal martyr shot and killed 45 years ago for his work in the American civil rights movement.

As Herbie Hancock said, “Jazz is about being in the moment”. Come be “in the moment” and worship with Nativity Cathedral.


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