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Letters of Intent requested for New Hope grants

16 June 2010

Dear Partners in Ministry,

The Social Ministries Committee is now ready to receive and consider requests for disbursements from the New Hope Campaign. The total amount we are able to grant for the 2010-11 calendar year is $100,000. Therefore, we are inviting Letters of Intent from parishes and Episcopal related organizations within the Episcopal Diocese of Bethlehem. The Deadline for Letters of Intent is 30 July 2010.

The Letter of Intent should contain:

•The Mission Statement of the parish/organization
•A summary of the proposal including a brief project description
•An outline of the focus and scope (who will be served?)
•Amount to be requested from the SMC (one time or multi-year request)
•Partner churches, agencies, organizations, etc., if any
•Project start date
•Name, e-mail and day and evening telephone number of contact person(s).

Letters of Intent should be sent to The Rev’d Daniel C. Gunn, St. Stephen’s Pro-cathedral, 35 South Franklin Street, Wilkes-Barre, PA 18701 or emailed to [email protected] with “Social Ministry Application” in the subject line. A member of the Social Ministries Committee will be in contact soon thereafter. These Letters are preliminary proposals and will be considered in the order in which they are received. Applications will be sent after the initial contact. 

In peace,

The Rev’d Daniel C. Gunn, Chair
Social Ministries Committee
Diocese of Bethlehem


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