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Moravian Church, Northern Province Enters Full Communion With Episcopal Church

CORRECTED Diocesan Life July and August issue 2010

Attached you will find the CORRECTED July and August issue of Diocesan Life. Don't forget the SEPTEMBER deadline is August 3rd. Summer has a way of slipping by rapidly! Also, if you have any events or ministries you would like highlighted, we would be more than happy to include articles and pictures. Please contact kat lehman at [email protected] for submission tips for photography preferably BEFORE you take photos of events. Thanks in advance! The following file is 3.1MB in size.

My apologies to St. Andrew's, Allentown and their new Rector, the Rev. T. Scott Allen who was originally listed as being installed at St. Stephen's, Allentown.

Download JULY_2010_DiocesanLifeCORRECTED


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