On the Feast of Corpus Christi, by Archdeacon Stringfellow
Who worries you?

Catch the buzz

This video opened the triennial General Synod of the Anglican Church of Canada, now meeting in Halifax, Nova Scotia.

The lessons of this video are not limited to Canada. They express the environment in which we do mission today all over the globe, including the Diocese of Bethlehem.

The Episcopal Church, along with other members of the Anglican Communion, endorsed the Marks of Mission...in 2000! Instead of deciding who can join or be barred from Anglican table or deciding who might "speak for" Anglicanism at some conference table, what would it be like if we joined with Anglicans who decide to put mission first? Imagine what it would be like if we Episcopalians, and Anglicans everywhere, were known first and foremost for the difference we make in the world!

We have some experience with this in the Diocese of Bethlehem. New Hope and the dozens of ministries that are based in our congregations and the thousands of Christians who serve Christ every day show what happens when mission defines our vision.

Can we adapt Canada's slogan? How about "Catch the buzz: Tell what you have seen and heard."

-posted by Andrew Gerns

H/T Share the Bread


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