Free Refresh/Retreat Day for Charity Knitters and Crocheters
May 13, 2010
[From Mother Laura Howell]
Greetings, all you crafty folks!
For quite a while, some of us have been getting together in a group called "Crafting Your Prayers," where we lovingly and prayerfullycreate various sorts of items. Currently, we're involved in a charity knitting and crocheting group at Knitter's Edge in Bethlehem. The St.
Francis Center for Renewal on Bridle Path Rd. in Bethlehem has offered us a quiet day, as a thank you for all that people have been doing for the needy in the community.
That day will be May 24, from 10:00-3:00. In the morning, we will gather to learn a new knitting or crocheting technique (the items will
be made for Turning Point Shelter). After a break for lunch, the afternoon session will have some spiritual/meditative reading and reflection while we work on our handcrafts.
The Retreat Day is free, but I do need to have you register, so we know how many rooms we need. Send a note to [email protected].
The Renewal Center has also offered to make lunch for us at a cost of $10. The chef wants to give us a special lunch (I can tell you that
when he says special, he means it!), but we need to let him know numbers in advance so he can order food. If you would like to attend
the day and share lunch, please let me know no later than Sunday, May 16. Later than that, check with me.
Hope to see some of you there.
Thank you to all of you who have made chemo caps, caps for the homeless, baby blankets, hats and scarves for seafarers, and so many
other things that bring comfort into difficult lives.
Laura(The Rev.) Laura Thomas Howell, Obl.S.B.
[email protected]
Trinity Episcopal Church
“We have what we seek. We don’t have to rush after it. It was there all the time, and if we give it time it will make itself known to us.”
T. Merton