091016.newSpin.interesting, perhaps useful, news and spin
Prevent Swine Flu - Good Advice

091020.newSpin.interesting, perhaps useful, news and spin

Meet Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori ... Plan to come to Evensong (6:00 p.m.) at which Bishop Katharine will preach and to an open forum (7:15 p.m.) at which you may ask your questions ... at the Cathedral Bethlehem on Monday, Nov. 9, at St Luke's Lebanon on Tuesday, Nov. 10, and at St. Stephen's Wilkes-Barre on Wednesday, Nov. 11. Find a schedule of the Presiding Bishop's visit to the Diocese of Bethlehem here.

Diocesan Convention ... Find Bishop Paul's address to convention here. Browse the many, many photos taken by Barbara Loeffler here and by Kat Lehman here. Find a note by Mark Laubach about the Missa Luba sung by the St. Stephen's Wilkes-Barre choir at the Saturday morning Convention Eucharist. Delegates elected people to diocesan offices, commissions and committees. Delegates approved these resolutions. Check the newSpin blog occasionally for updates on the posting of video and audio files as well as more extensive coverage of what happened at Diocesan Convention.

Grace Kingston calls rector ... Father John Hartman presided at his first Mass at Grace on Oct. 4. He was ordained a priest on Sept. 29 by Bishop Paul. He received a Master of Divinity degree from Seabury-Western Theological Seminary, Evanston, Ill., and was ordained a deacon in June 2008 in the Diocese of New Jersey. Hartman served as the director of church relations for Seamen’s Church Institute in New York City, and as deacon at St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church, New Providence, N.J.

St. Paul's Montrose calls rector ... Father Paul Walker begins his new ministry at St. Paul’s Montrose on Nov. 1. He had served as vicar for Christ Church, Belleville NJ.  A native of Scranton, he received his MS degree from Marywood College in Systematic Theology and Christian Education. He also has a MDiv from Bexley Hall. He was ordained as a deacon at the Church of the Nativity Cathedral, Bethlehem, 1986 and a priest in 1987.  During his time at Christ Church, the parish emerged as a center for support and enrichment in the community. 

St. Andrew’s Alden marked its 125th anniversary last month. Bishop Paul presided. The Rev. John Leo and the Rev. David Feyrer assisted. Descendants of early members and former members residing out of state attended. Feyrer spoke at the banquet. St. Andrew’s was founded in 1884 as a mission of St. Stephen’s Wilkes-Barre. In 1948, it became a mission of St. George’s Nanticoke. Today it is a parish of the Diocese of Bethlehem.

Jubilate ... Hymnody for All Saints B to Last Epiphany (Nov. 1, 2009 to Feb. 14, 2010), published by the Diocese of Bethlehem for our diocesan community and for free distribution to the world, may be downloaded here as an Acrobat or MSWord file. Jubilate is a service of our Liturgy and Music Commission, specifically Canon Cliff Carr who has been doing this for more than 30 years.

Kristallnacht, the Night of Broken Glass, at Christ Church, Reading, November 12 at 6:30 p.m., observes the night of 11/9/38 when mobs of Nazi storm troopers began their assault on the Jews of Germany and Austria. Everyone is welcome.

Pray for our young men and women who have died in Iraq and Afghanistan, and for their families … October 13, 2009 ... Christopher M. Rudzinski, 28; Chris N. Staats, 32; Anthony G. Green, 28; Glen H. Stivison, Jr., 34; Jesus O. Flores, Jr., 28; Daniel C. Lawson, 33; Brandon M. Styer; Daniel J. Rivera, 22; Michael A. Dahl Jr., 23 ... for the fallen heroes also of our coalition partners ... and for the citizens of Iraq and Afghanistan who have died, unnamed and unknown to us, and for those who mourn ... and for an end to this endless war. [Posted on the newSpin blog, usually on Tuesdays, with names found over seven days.]

Sliced bread and other marketing delights ... Ideas that spread win. Watch the video below and you just may get a few ideas for marketing your church, perhaps the first step toward genuine evangelism.

Praying does shape believing ... One of the best known texts from the 1979 Book of Common Prayer is the Baptismal Covenant. ... The commitments we make in the last five questions, particularly the last three, show up in mission statements and on church websites as summaries of what it means to be Christian ... It is gratifying for a liturgist to see such a clear example of our worship, our common prayer, sinking so deeply into our consciousness. Praying does shape believing. [Read Baptismal Covenant and commitment by Ruth Meyers here.]

America's untouchable caste ...Gandhi understood power in the same way as Jesus. What power is really about, according to both, is that leadership is shown in service. [Read more here.]

Atheism 3.0 ...The old atheists said there was no God. The so-called "New Atheists" said there was no God, and they were vocally vicious about it. Now, the new "New Atheists" — call it Atheism 3.0 — say there's still no God, but maybe religion isn't all that bad. [Read more here.]

Former Bishop of Quincy ...The Presiding Bishop has accepted Keith Ackerman's voluntary renunciation of ordained ministry in the Episcopal Church as a result of his informing her that he is working for the Diocese of Bolivia in the Province of the Southern Cone. There are no provisions for this type of arrangement. [Read more here.

The Episcopal Church ... News & Notices ... EpiScope ... Episcopal Life Online ... Weekly Bulletin Inserts ... On Twitter ... On Facebook ... and on YouTube. Got a question? Need some info? Check out the Episcopal Church's InfoLine or contact [email protected] or 212-716-6136, 6137; 800-334-7626, x6136, x6137

Bill Lewellis, Communication Minister/Editor (1986), Canon Theologian (1998)
Diocese of Bethlehem, 333 Wyandotte Street, Bethlehem, PA 18015
Website, Blog, Email (c)610-216-2726, (w)610-691-5655x229, (h)610-820-7673
Be attentive. Be intelligent. Be reasonable. Be responsible.
Be in Love. And, if necessary, change. [Bernard Lonergan]


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