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Getting In and Growing

Education for Ministry

[Posted by Bill Lewellis]

One of the many programs offered throughout the Diocese of Bethlehem is Education for Ministry (EfM). EfM is a four year theology course that includes study of the Old Testament, New Testament, Church History and Theological Choices. Every baptized person is called to ministry. This program, through study, discussion, guided reflection, prayer, worship and fellowship, helps Christians to carry out that ministry. Participants register for one year at a time, meet weekly in groups of 6-12, and are led by a trained mentor.

There are several EfM groups in the Diocese. For a meeting time and place that works for you, see below. Most groups are now accepting new members for fall classes that begin in September.

Christ Church, Pottstown
Thursday evenings, contact Sally Bosler, [email protected], 610-858-2650

Christ Church, Reading
Wednesday evenings, contact Connie Fegley, [email protected], 610-678-7473

St. Margaret’s, Emmaus
TBA, contact Lexa Shallcross (610) 967-1450

Cathedral Church of the Nativity, Bethlehem
Wednesday mornings, contact Cathy Bailey, [email protected], 610-261-1106
Thursday evenings, contact Janet Kolepp, [email protected],  610 954 9582

Online groups are also available. Find an online group here. Learn more about EfM here.


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