Evangelism Road Trip
June 25, 2009
Evangelism Road Trip
By Warren Shotto
Senior Warden, Good Shepherd Scranton
A contingent of people on a summer service trip from St. Phillip’s church in New Hope and Trinity in Buckingham , Pa is coming to Good Shepherd the last week of July. Led by Rev. Peter Pearson, they will be helping us with the “sweat equity” projects in the undercroft, bowling alley and kitchen while they are here. They are staying at the Fatima retreat center and we will be providing lunch and dinner for the entourage for the week they are here.
Recently our evangelism committee comprised of Kathy Elgaway, Char Jeffers, Pam Shotto and me, were asked to come to New Hope to speak about our journey from a parish with an uncertain future to our commitment to mission to the recent awarding of the New Hope grant and present situation at Good Shepherd. We spoke at both St. Phillips and Trinity on Sunday June 21st. Both parishes were very interested in what we were doing and establishing similar ministries at their churches.
Take a look at the following links about us that are now on Youtube and St. Phillip’s website about Seasons of Love and the New Hope grant. When Rev. Peter and one of his parishioners, Lucy, visited Good Shepherd initially on May 14th they took some pictures and recorded a lot of the conversation. They asked for permission to use some of the photos from our photoshow and these are the end result. They are posted on you tube and linked on their website.
After our “speaking engagement” this past weekend and now the videos, the parishioners of both churches have a better picture of what happens here and how important it is to fulfill our baptismal covenant and reach out to those in need.
The Links: