Northern Tier churches prepare Easter dinners for needy
March 05, 2009
Bountiful Blessings, representing the communities of faith in Montrose, has announced its annual program to provide a full Easter dinner for those in need in Susquehanna County. Individuals and families listed with Interfaith and other area agencies will be eligible for a dinner basket that includes a three or five-pound ham, vegetables, potatoes/macaroni and cheese, canned fruit, bread, and holiday candies. The baskets will be distributed on Wednesday, April 8.
Consortium of Susquehanna churches and county agencies prepare for Easter dinner distribution on April 8. Bountiful Blessings is preparing for the fourth annual Easter Dinner for needy families and individuals in Susquehanna County.
“Last year we distributed 580 baskets,” noted Pastor Chuck Link of the Montrose First Presbyterian Church. “However, with the troubled economy and rising unemployment rates, we are planning for 700 this year.” Three distribution sites will be available: St. Paul’s Montrose; St. Mark’s, New Milford; and, Christ Church, Forest City.
Scholars at local schools will collect many of the nonperishable items. Elk Lake and Blue Ridge have signed on to contribute canned fruit, while the Montrose Area School District will collect canned vegetables. Both Forest City and Mountain View School Districts are collecting macaroni and cheese, whereas Susquehanna Community School District will supply boxed potatoes. Collection bins are available around Montrose in the Montrose Theatre, Interfaith, ABC Market in Montrose, Price Chopper, as well as Robinson’s Market, South Montrose.
Father Charles Cesaretti, priest-in-charge at St. Paul’s, is charged with raising the $7,000 to cover the anticipated costs. “Not a problem,” he opined. “We had a generous outpouring of funds last Easter, and I think we will find it even more so this year. I have found that individuals, groups, and businesses in our county are receptive to helping meet the needs of their neighbors. Letters have gone out to those who helped last year, and we will be approaching the many social and helping organizations in the county to join in this project. The community commitment to the program is obvious. We have already received donations for about 10% of the needed amount.”
“I agree,” chimed in Dee Butler of Holy Name of Mary RC Church. “I believe that our community knows the great need that exists in our county. I think our churches have demonstrated their long and effective participation in meeting local basic human needs, and our donors know that every penny they contribute goes to the needy.”
Those wishing to contribute to the Easter Dinner Basket Project may send a check to St. Paul’s Church, 60 Church St., Montrose, PA 18801-0314, payable to “St. Paul’s Outreach” with the notation “Bountiful Blessing 2009” in the memo line. “We take cash, too,” quipped Father Cesaretti.