In Scranton.Showing of "For the Bible Tells Me So"
12 Days of Christmas for Kajo Keji

Jubilate.Advent2008 through Epiphany2009

Hymnody for Advent through Epiphany B ((Nov. 30, 2008 to Fe. 22, 2009), published by the Diocese of Bethlehem for our diocesan community and for free distribution to the world, may be downloaded below as an Acrobat or MSWord file. Jubilate is a service of our Liturgy and Music Commission, specifically Canon Cliff Carr who has been doing this for more than 30 years.

Download Jubilate.Advent-EpiphanyB.2008-09.pdf

Download Jubilate.Advent-EpiphanyB.2008-09.doc

The primary theme of Advent is “expectation.”  Blue, the English royal color, is increasingly used as the color of Advent to distinguish the mood of this season from that of Lent.  The Gloria is omitted, to be resumed with greater joy on Christmas Eve.  Eucharistic Prayer B is especially appropriate because of its emphasis on the Incarnation.  During the Advent season the Penitential Order or the Great Litany may be used to begin the liturgy.  The Great Litany (S-67) ends with the Kyrie, and the Eucharist begins with the salutation of the Collect of the Day.  The Prayers of the People following the Creed may be omitted when the Litany is used.  When an Advent wreath is used in the church, no special prayers or ceremonial elaboration beyond what is described on page 143 of the Prayer Book is desirable.  At morning services the appropriate number of candles is lighted before the service begins. (See BOS, p. 30)


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