Ecumenical Forum on Church Teachings on Faitful and Responsible Citizenship
August 13, 2008
[From The Rev. Gary L. Harke, Executive Director, Pennsylvania Council of Churches] Download below a PDF version of the registration brochure for the annual Ecumenical Forum sponsored by the Pennsylvania Conference on Interchurch Cooperation (the cooperative agency of the Pennsylvania Catholic Conference and the Pennsylvania Council of Churches). Monday, September 29, 10 a.m.–3 p.m., Cardinal Keeler Center, Harrisburg. Because this is an election year, the theme for the Forum is church teachings on faithful and responsible citizenship. Using documents from the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America and the Roman Catholic bishops as starting points, Forum planners hope participants will participate in a lively discussion about the relationship of religious values and American political life. I expect we’ll finish the day discovering that we all hold some things in common and that we differ significantly in others –– and that at least some of those differences are rooted in the diverse ways we understand the nature and mission of the church.