newSpin 080722
To be free from the prison of envy

Education for Episcopal Health Ministry and Parish Nursing

October 5-10, 2008
Bishop Claggett Center
3035 Buckeystown Pike
Buckeystown, MD 21717

Scholarships are available for members of parishes in the Episcopal Diocese of Bethlehem  --contact Diana Marshall.

Education for Episcopal Health Ministry and Parish Nursing is an intensive 5-day course that emphasizes Episcopal traditions in the theology of health and healing, liturgy, polity and prayer. Practical aspects of developing Health Ministry in a local congregation are addressed. Who are we as Episcopal Health Ministers? Why offer Health Ministry in the local congregation? What do Health Ministers/Parish Nurses do? How can we do it?

Who should take it?
The course is designed for the following:

    * Anyone, clergy or lay, who wants to learn more about the function of health ministry in a faith congregation
    * Clergy or lay persons who want to enrich an existing Health Ministry in an Episcopal congregation with more grounding in the Anglican tradition
    * Health professionals who are beginning a Health Ministry in an Episcopal or other congregation
    * Registered nurses who want to attend a course with the IPNRC approved curriculum and nursing CEUs to become Faith Community Nurses and to minister in an Episcopal or other congregation

Registration is limited to the first 20 participants. Health professionals other than nurses are welcome to enroll, as well as other non-professionals interested in learning more about general health ministry as a lay vocation 

Tuition is $400. Room and Board for this course is $400 (double occupancy). Single rooms are an additional $100.

National Episcopal Health Ministries
6050 N. Meridian Street
Indianapolis, Indiana 46208
317-253-1277 ext. 34
[email protected]


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